In either the print or online versions of GOMC Magazine, take a look at our contractor profile story for September, on Canadian Shield Consultants Agency Inc.
Canadian Shield has made a name for itself providing onsite wastewater service to remote gas, oil and mining sites. Initially focusing on wastewater system design, the company has since expanded to offer turnkey service, including design, manufacture, installation and operation. “For years, mining camps popped up so quickly that there was no time to measure the impact of these new activities on the environment,’’ says president Gerry Dignard. “Our product is a response to the regulations that finally caught up with the activity.”
Take a look at let me know what you think of the story. And then think about whether you’d like to share your knowledge of the industry with others in a profile story. We’re always on the lookout for professional support services companies to feature on the cover of our magazine. .
Drop me an email here [email protected] and I will call you to discuss including your success story in the pages of GOMC Magazine. Until then, have a great week!
#1 from Tatsuya Nakagawa on December 05, 2012
Great advice. Simple, but very few companies do this well.