Check Out the GOMC Buyer’s Guide

Are you considering a new piece of equipment for your GOM support services business? If so, check out the 28-page Buyer’s Guide we published in the latest issue of GOMC. The July issue is chock full of valuable contacts and company information no matter what sort of work you perform for the gas, oil and mining sectors.

The Buyer’s Guide is split into both alphabetical and category listings for hundreds of manufacturers and distributors serving the industries you work in. Listings for each company give you all necessary contact information, website addresses, emails and direct you to ads many of the companies placed in GOMC.

While you may hang onto many issues of GOMC throughout the year to circulate among your employees, you’ll want to keep this issue handy throughout the year. Consult the listings whenever you want to replace or upgrade equipment, large or small.  



Previous Comments

#1 from Mark Billings on July 14, 2011

In addition to the section on “Staying in moment”, it cannot be overlooked that the human mind is a powerful tool for fulfilling our desires. It is said, “What you put your attention on, grows.”

If we focus on the failure, rather than the lessons learned and the valiant attempt made, then it will likely grow in our experience, further reinforcing the negative thinking, as if it were justified. Instead, it is the “doom and gloom” that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Some people are very prophetic in that regard.

Better to put the attention where you would like to be and consistently put forward the efforts in that direction. Somehow, some way, that positive persistence draws support, ultimately, from those around us. Success breeds success, and most other people want to see us succeed. Only by moving in that direction will we get where we want to go.

Spend your efforts where they will add to your success, but most importantly, put your attention and mind-set on the goal. It can only grow closer with the greater focus.

#2 from BB on July 14, 2011

Thanks for the information. very informatiive.

#3 from BB on July 14, 2011

NOt sure the size of the labor pool is the issue. Its the quality.

#4 from BB on July 14, 2011

Thanks for the information.

#5 from Steve Webster on June 14, 2011

We have a number of good used HXX trucks if needed.

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