Grundowinch hydrostatic constant-tension winches, available in 5-, 10- and 20-ton models from TT Technologies, are designed for variable conditions in below-grade work, such as pipe bursting, cable pulling, sliplining, pipe pulling and swagelining. Also available is the variable speed 3-ton model for
pipe splitting.
“It’s another tool for upsizing lines or collapsed lines that need to be repaired,” says Kevin Nagle, national accounts manager, TT Technologies. “It gives the contractor the option of coming in with a new pipe and not just putting a patch on a problem. You can get another 100 years of life out of a new pipe.”
All winch models feature protective cable storage and a two-cylinder, 35 hp diesel engine, as well as hydraulic and adjustable booms designed for pulling liners and pipe-splitting equipment.
“A remote control lowers the boom into the manhole,” Nagle says. “It’s for ease of use and contractors who deal in high production. The nice thing about using the boom system is there’s no exposed cable. If there’s a break in the line or something should happen during the bursting process, the cable is protected from coming out and injuring someone.”
The constant-tension design senses and automatically eliminates cable slack. Operational features include single-lever tension control (no gears to engage), power-assisted winch line feed and winch controls at the rear of the unit for a safe view of the job while the winch is in operation.
“Constant tension is needed for the pipe bursting application,” Nagle says. “You usually use the winch with a pneumatic hammer, which is doing the work. The winch is just there to keep tension on the front of the tool while it’s advancing through the pipe. You don’t ever want to have any slack in the winch line.
“If you get slack in the bursting process utilizing a winch that’s not constant tension, the tool could run over the winch line and separate from the line,” he says. “You’d lose the connection between the pneumatic hammer and your winch. The bursting process would end at that point and you’d have to dig up your tool.”
The winch, with 2,000 feet of cable line, is mounted on a heavy-duty tandem-axle trailer with hydraulic surge brakes for safe towing. Undercarriage options include single- and double-axle models, as well as all-terrain tracks. 800/533-2078;